Jun ’22 – Team Member Spotlight : Shelby Ruehs

By Kate Merrihew, Director of Education and Marketing

As this is our 6th edition of the DS Murphy Newsletter, I felt it was about time that we highlight one of the people “behind the scenes” who makes everything run smoothly.  Shelby Ruehs is the Operations Manager of the Appraisals Dept and she happens to be getting married THIS MONTH (June 25th to be exact.)   What a great time to get to know a little more about her!

Born in Fairbanks, Alaska – this spunky redhead spent most of her childhood outdoors.  As a kid, her favorite pastime was catching frogs.  You could find her 4-wheeling, fishing or at a bonfire.  She played basketball, volleyball and threw shot put and discus in high school. Shelby commented that there wasn’t much to do wherever she was living, so she always played a sport. She has lived in Michigan, Alaska, Ohio, Tennessee and Georgia.  Though she moved around a lot, the constant was a small town environment and hours lived in the fresh air.  She met her fiancé, Tyler at KFC.   This was both of their first jobs and they are still together 7 years later.  Tyler and Shelby moved here from Midland, Michigan to be closer to her mother.  Shelby has 3 siblings – 2 under the age of 10 and her (now 20 year old) sister, Alicia was living in GA as well.

Fun fact: Maple Evans, former Director of the Academy of Real Estate, is her mother and worked with the company after Shelby brought her in to the fold.  We love a good family affair here at DSM!

How did Shelby, a self-professed outdoor-lover, come to work at DS Murphy – behind a desk no less? This is where the story gets interesting.  Shelby was working as server at Chili’s when in walks, none other than Ed Mitchell with his wife and daughter.  Ed was another former Director of the Academy as well as head of Commercial, Investment guru and all-around amazing guy.  Ed sat down in Shelby’s section and immediately took note of her strong work ethic and kind demeanor with customers.  In true Ed fashion he said “don’t worry, I’m not a creeper, I’m with my wife and daughter.  Let me give you my phone number. Give me a call if you want to work somewhere else.”  That interaction led to Shelby sitting down with Ed and Scott to talk about her future followed by a meeting with Dawn, Tabitha and Steve. The rest, as they say, is history.

Shelby is now a fixture in the Suwanee office where she receives all the incoming requests looking to be assigned and communicates with appraisers and clients with DSMA, DSMV and DSMC.  In her words she handles “everything to do with lenders and order entries.  I’m everywhere appraisals.” 

I asked Shelby the following questions…

Q: What do you like most about working for DSM?

A: Everyone is just a big ol’ family.  I can reach out and get help from anyone I need to.  It’s a good community and you know you have someone in your corner no matter what.  Plus, I love seeing everyone’s faces at the company retreats – I’ve never experienced this many nice people before – all us Northerners are kind of salty.

Q: What would you like to do when you are no longer at DSM?

A: I would like to be living in a house on a beach enjoying my time with the toes in the sand and some fruity drinks.

Q: Something no one knows about you?

A: My favorite food is seafood boil. I am down for it – crab, crawfish (top of the list).  Also, I took a veterinary science class and I’m a certified Veterinary Assistant.

Q: You are a self-proclaimed foodie. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

A: Ukranian sushi roll – it was a roll in a package of oil basically.  Gross, but worth the experience. I will try anything once – no matter how weird it is.

Q: What words of wisdom can you share with the team?

A: Even when it gets tough – don’t give up because life is going to give you a break somewhere.

Q: If you could request anything of the appraisers – what would it be?

A: Keep responding to my emails!  If you give me anything to work with – you’re my best friend!