Jan ’22 – Team Member Spotlight: Jim Wainwright

By Kate Merrihew, Director of Education and Marketing

Jim Wainwright has been a member of the DS Murphy team for 6 years but an appraiser since 1974.  After studying Architecture at LSU for 3 years, he determined that school was not for him.  He traded in his cap and gown for an opportunity to go back Mississippi as a residential real estate sales manager with a construction company.  After gaining added confidence and free lessons in 150 Cessna, he started Wainwright and Associates (the real estate firm) in Vicksburg while also continuing his work on appraisals.

At this point in the appraisal world, there was no licensure, no management companies and you simply filled out applications with a lender to work on their panel.  Jim spent many years appraising properties and writing expert witness reports.  He moved to Georgia in 1980 and started Wainwright and Associates (the appraisal firm). He also worked 5 years for Wayne Mitsch (before Kaiser Mitsch merged with DS Murphy in 2015).

Jim now resides in Dawsonville with his wife Karen (21 years and going strong!).  He has 5 daughters, the youngest of which is 18 and recently got accepted to Piedmont.  On a typical weekend you can find Jim playing competitive cornhole or just relaxing.

I asked Jim Wainwright the following questions…

Q: What made you want to be an appraiser?

A: My Dad was an appraiser.  He was I n charge of all of the VA appraisers in MS.  He always told me “try to keep your word.  You’re no better than your word.” I don’t know that I adhere to that, but I hope I do.

Q: What would you like to do when you are no longer appraising?

A: Retire and spend more time with my daughters – and travel everywhere.  I’d like to take Karen to Paris.  I’ve been blessed to travel a lot so far – Colombia, Tahiti, St. john, Hawaii and Scandanavia.

Q: What the weirdest thing you have come across when inspecting/appraising?

A: Sparks coming up in the yard.  I walked around the back of the house (after seeing this) and the whole foundation was washed out.  You could walk under the slab.  It had not been compacted well.  It was 4 houses and HUD had bought the properties to test weight absorption.  Also, I crawled under a house close to the Mississippi river and found myself in a snake bed. – like worms in a can. This was for FHA.  We had to go in everywhere back in the day.

Q: Something no one knows about you?

A: I’m a 3rd degree black belt in Tai Kwon Do.

Q: What words of wisdom can you share with the team?

A: Prepare yourself.  I’ve reviewed for 40+ years and I always do appraisals as if I had to go to court.  Oh and loyalty – be loyal.